McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release
The McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release (MSTR®) was created by Alistair McLoughin, a Bowen Therapist in the UK. This method allows the practitioner to work on the often dense and fibrous scar tissue that can form in the body as a result of traumatic event such as surgery, burns, accidents where the skin in penetrated or a stabbing for example. Scar tissue can be present not just at the site of a surgical insertion for example but also deep within the body's soft tissue - fascia, muscle and organs. What we see on the outside is just one part of the impact on the body, what happens below is often far more complex. Scars are often more than just a blemish on our skin, they can affect our emotions, our psyche and our ability to move. Fear, anger, depression and low self esteem are all common emotions associated with scars. Similarly, restricted muscle function, pain and sensitivity are also common physical symptoms associated with scars.
Will massage help?
MSTR® is series of massage techniques designed to facilitate the release of the dense fibrous nature of scars. By doing so, we allow blood circulation to improve, neural pathways to restore and lymph drainage to increase. Often the soft tissue around the scar site and scar itself will become more flexible, softer, and improve aesthetically as well. These are just some of the benefits of MSTR.
Testimonial from a client..
“Next time you see her tell her that I completed my physical refresher and had full confidence in my leg this time. Something I haven’t felt before and it did not weaken or feel compromised like last time. Thank you”
If you'd like to read more about this technique, click on this link MSTR.
If you are interested in this treatment, feel free to call or email me to discuss it further.