Qigong Moving Meditation
What is Qigong?
Great Question!!
Pronounced Chi-gong it basically means mastering your chi.
Ahhhhh yes, But what is Qi (Chi)?
There is no direct correlation between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine that explains Qi. And I'm sure you could ask a number of people and read a number of books that will all have variations on a theme for the answer.
So to keep it simple, real simple... Qi is your life force. It's a source and a form of energy that provides life, that supports life and that nourishes life. Your life, my life, and the life of every living organism. It is your breath and more. It is your blood and more, it is that inexplicable 'energy' that we can sense in ourselves and around us.
Where can you get more Qi?
Qi is all around us. By using techniques like Qigong we are gathering, enhancing, cleansing, and promoting our own personal Qi. And as we practice Qigong, we experience a calmness in our minds and hearts, vitality in our bodies and a sense of connectedness between our heart mind and body.
Who can do Qigong?
The gentle free flowing exercises are easy to do, anyone can do them. You don't need to be strong or flexible. You can be standing or seated, have mobility issues or be 'healthy'. Qigong is for anyone and everyone.
What is Qigong good for?
I personally use my Qigong practice for the following reasons:
Qigong is a MOVING MEDITATION. I am not very good at meditating - sitting quietly and thinking of not much is very difficult! With Qigong I lose myself in the gentle flowing movements and by focusing just on my breath and my movements I find my zen!
I use my Qigong practice to enhance my balance, coordination and flexibility.
To de-stress! The feeling of just letting go. Bliss.
There are many health and wellness benefits in practicing Qigong. The most common ones include:
ease stress and anxiety
ease depression
improve mood
improve sleep
promote blood circulation
aid digestion
ease symptoms associated with arthritis
improve lung capacity
ease neurasthenia
Qigong with Jaine
If you are interested in learning more about Qigong and want to experience the benefits for yourself, get in touch via the Contact Us button below.
Feeling stressed, tired and generally a bit blah? You might like to consider a private individual session that can be tailored to suit your needs. In these private sessions we delve a little deeper into the technique to really enhance the benefits and outcomes.
If you like the idea of a moving meditation class, grab some friends and do a small group class (3-6 people). In group classes and in particular the Qigong Moving Meditation Class it's all about the flow. Enjoy following the movements, focus on your breathe and the movement to find your zen!
Small Group Class
3-6 people
60 minutes,
$90 for the group
Private Individual Session
Private individual 45mins $90
Qigong Moving Meditation General Group Class
Wednesday 5.30pm Bold Park Aquatic Centre, 60 minutes $20
Qigong Moving Meditation for Students
Exams and study can be very stressful for students and families.
Stress, anxiety, depression, mental fatigue, tension, frustration, anger are all common emotions associated with exams, work, study, deadlines and feeling overwhelmed and over committed.
Meditating is a proven method of managing stress however not all of us like it or feel that we can do it effectively. Qigong is a great way to focus on our breath and the simple movements in such a way that we start enjoying a moving meditation practice. And the benefits are just as good.
I have created a program of Qigong exercises that target the symptoms associated with
mental fatigue
Ideally suited for Year 11, Year 12 and university students, 17-23years.
Individual and small group classes
$50 individual student, 45mins
$90 small group class (min. 3 students), 60 minutes
Qigong Moving Meditation, Qigong Scarborough, Qigong Doubleview, Qigong with Jaine, Qigong City Beach