Improve the look and feel
Release adhesions, soften, improve colouring and reduce puckering
Improve range of movement
Reduce tightness and pulling
Improve sensitivity
Reduce the irritation from clothing, numbness and tingling
Improve your self esteem
Reduce the emotional and psychological impact of scars
Clinically Proven, Gentle and Effective
According to research if scars are left untreated, other therapeutic interventions may fail.
Research conducted in 2019 in the UK using ultrasound imaging showed on average a 30% reduction in scar tissue as a result of applying 1 MSTR® treatment to C-section scars.
Interested in a treatment?
For more information on MSTR® scroll down or click this link to Book Now
Want to become a Practitioner?
See below for more information
How can MSTR® help you
Even though your scar may be many years old this may be the release your body has been searching for.
Often just one or two sessions can produce dramatic changes that you can see and feel!
"Patients often say they don't have any scars, but what about the time they busted their ankle? They couldn't walk properly for a month, lots of pain, oedema and bruising. They had tissue damage right? And where you have tissue damage you have tissue repair. And where you have tissue repair, you have scar tissue." Alastair McLoughlin
MSTR® is an innovative, pain-free, natural method of helping you with your scars. Gentle, finger-tip pressure is applied to the area to help free the restrictions in the scar. No force is involved and the work is always applied within your tolerance.
Scars may have a huge influence on our presenting problems. They can:
restrict the fascia
reduce blood & lymph flow
weaken muscular strength
reduce the flow of energy
inhibit joint movement
They may feel and look unpleasant and may even upset us emotionally due to the traumatic events that created them.
Is Scar Tissue Holding You Back?
McLOUGHLIN SCAR TISSUE RELEASE® is suitable for post-surgical scars such as:
mastectomy, lumpectomy etc
appendix, gall bladder etc
hysterectomy, C-section
joint replacement surgery - knee, hip etc
laparoscopic surgery
MSTR® may also be considered for burn scars, cording, trauma wounds, facial scars, muscle tears, Depuytren's Contracture and plantar fasciitis.
Become an Accredited MSTR® Practitioner
Practitioners are finding it extremely easy to add MSTR® into their existing treatment approach. If you're a medical or allied health practitioner - whatever your specialty - you can often add MSTR® right into a treatment session. Successfully addressing scar tissue can enhance your treatment outcomes. Due to the extremely efficient and rapid responses that are obtained using MSTR® we can guarantee very high levels of success - right from the first clients you work with. Whatever area of healthcare you're involved with, MSTR® is easily integrated into your practice.
We have a range of different learning environments including:
Face to Face Workshops - click here for workshop dates and pricing in Australia
Workshops are usually run in Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney
Online - our new Instant Access online learning program, click here for more info
To become an Accredited Practitioner you will need to:
Attend a one day workshop or complete the Instant Access Online course
Complete and submit for assessment 5 case studies